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Useful Make Up Tips For Dark Skin

Useful Make Up Tips For Dark Skin

Dark skin needs special attention to unify skin tone, downplay overly prominent features and focus on the upper third of the face. The structure of facial features and the evenness of skin color are important in order to create a great look. Always avoid oil based products to make your makeup last longer since black skin has a tendency to reject makeup.

When it comes to wearing makeup, dark skin is more versatile than fair skin. One reason for this is the more amount of pigment that dark skin has than the fair skin. Since dark skin has more pigments, it can endure exposure to sun. Dark skins that are clear, flawless, and healthy are also great for makeup. You just have to choose the right kind and shades of makeup to use for your dark skin. It is important that the color shades suit the dark skin tone.


For foundation, select an oil-free liquid foundation. Choose a water-based foundation. Also make sure that the foundation is not lighter than your skin tone. Try to get one which is as close to your normal skin colour as possible. Remember that dark skins show up layers of make-up much more than fair skins. Special attention should be paid to blending. And always use a loose powder that is transparent or slightly tinted to absorb oil and avoid a shinny look.


The eyes can be accented with dark browns, prunes, copper and burgundies. Avoid light, powdery colors and iridescent color that covers the whole eyelid. A light brushing of loose, translucent powder over the lid will give a subtle glow for evening glamour. For the day, use brown or grey eyeliner or eye pencil to line the eyes. Mascara will darken and thicken the eyelashes and give the eyes a glamorous look. Use inky black mascara.


For your blush, you should choose colours from coral, rose, deep orange. Avoid browns and peachy shades for blush-on. For very dark skin, try a dark rose pink colour for the day and shades of bronze, plum and wine for the night. If your nose is wide, slim it by using a camo cream corrector to shade the sides with a darker tone and the top of the nose with a lighter tone. Blend well. For special occasions at night, use a touch of gold. It can really look glamorous on dark skins. Apply it at the temples and under the outer corner of the eyebrows.


Choose lipsticks with matte finish rather than frosted ones. Lip colors with berry shades, plums, burgandies and all shades of browns look great with dark skin. Also beiges, golds and soft pinks work well. Generally these colors work well: Nude pinks, nude beiges, mochas, coffees, mahoganies, chocolates, berry shades, deep berry shades, dark plums, wines, burgundies. Avoid orange shades, they will wash you out.

When it comes to makeup for dark skin, there really are no boundaries especially these days. People have become more carefree when it comes to bringing art onto their faces by means of applying makeup. However, these simple guidelines are the basics when it comes to makeup application and must never be taken for granted regardless of purpose. At the end of the day, it all goes back to the basics and the classics to make sure that you can pull off whatever makeup you wish to wear.

Repair Your Split Ends Hair Today

Repair Your Split Ends Hair Today

What are split ends hair? The reason, excess dry and damaged hair shafts start to split at the end. Hair becomes really brittle as the protective layer of cuticle gets lost from the tip of hair strands. This will give you 2-3 centimeters long splits in two or three strands of hair. Although a well-known and trusted method of getting rid split ends hair is by cutting them, the issue will replicate once the hair grows back. Split ends hair growth will keep continuing the cycle if proper and effective remedies are not followed. To prevent split ends hair, first take a look at its causes and then we will venture on to its treatment methods.

Causes of Split Ends

Split ends occur when your hair’s cuticle wears down. Usually, cuticle damage results from hair styling. The following can all contribute to split ends:

* Brushing hair while it is wet can make hair ends split.
* Coloring your hair, applying a perm or chemically straightening your hair can cause split ends by drying the hair.
* Excessive brushing of the hair and brushing hair in the opposite direction of hair growth can disturb the cuticle and cause split ends.
* Hair accessories, including ponytail holders and headbands, can damage and weaken the ends of your hair.
* Using heated appliances (e.g., blow dryers, curling irons, rollers, straightening irons, etc.) can dry the hair and cause it to split.

Split Ends Hair Care Tips

An effective remedy for split ends is trimming. Trim your hair regularly, say, about two to three centimeters from the tip. This can prevent the occurrence of split ends. To do this at home, take a small section of your hair and then gently twist it in a downward motion. The split ends will stick out by doing this. Locate the split ends, sticking out of the twisted hair, and trim them off, using a sharp pair of scissors.

To keep your hair healthy and prevent the occurrence of split ends, you should wash your hair regularly and condition it well.

Always wash your hair from the root to the tip, in case of very dry and brittle hair. Since the tips of the hair strands are deprived of the protective layer of cuticle, doing this will ensure that, your hair doesn’t split anymore.

While conditioning your hair, apply the conditioner in your hair, from the root to tip, and cover your head with a shower cap, with all your hair inside it. Now, place a towel, dampened with lukewarm water, on the top of the cap. Leave it there for about 10 minutes. Remove the cap and rinse your hair thoroughly, with cold water. The treatment is a surefire way to get rid of split ends. This will help you to get rid of the split ends, if you do it once a week on a regular basis.

In case your hair is extremely dry, apply a shampoo that contains moisturizing cream in it. This will moisten your dry hair as well as prevent split ends.

Give regular lukewarm oil massages to your hair, to prevent split ends. While massaging, make sure that you apply the oil from the root to tip of your hair. You may choose coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil for the purpose.

Vigorous brushing or combing of hair can cause split ends. This is because harsh treatment of the hair may remove the protective cuticle layer from the strands. Hence, use a wide-toothed comb, to detangle your hair. Always brush/comb your hair gently.

Always brush your hair when it is dry. Brushing wet hair will not only lead to hair loss, but also remove the cuticle from the strands. Using a soft-bristled brush, comb you hair down from the crown to the tip of your strands, in a gently manner.

How Can You Avoid Split Ends In The First Place?

Get Regular Trims

Many hairstylists recommend that you get a trim every six weeks in order to maintain your style and keep the ends of your hair healthy. Even if you’re trying to grow out a style, a regular trim is important because split ends can continue to split up the hair shaft and cause even more damage. Avoiding a trim today could result in the need for a more drastic cut tomorrow.

Shampoo Less

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Most of us shampoo much more often than we need to! Unless your hair is super oily, try an every-other-day cleansing schedule to avoid drying out your hair.

Deep-Condition Your Hair

Whether your hair is naturally dry or damaged from excessive heat styling, that dryness is a big contributing factor to split ends. Weekly deep-conditioning treatments can help moisturize your hair and prevent the ends from becoming brittle and breakable.

Limit Your Use of Heat-Styling Tools

If your daily hair care routine has you reaching for the blow-dryer and a flat iron or curling iron, you’re doing some serious damage to your hair. If at all possible, avoid daily use of heat-styling tools. When you do use them, coat your hair first with a protective heat-styling product, and don’t use the hottest setting on your blow-dryer or flat iron.

Comb And Brush Your Hair Carefully

Brushing your hair gently before you shampoo is a great way to prevent damaging tangles in the shower. Post shampoo, use a wide-tooth comb to distribute conditioner through your wet hair. And after conditioning, always use a comb to detangle wet hair in order to prevent breakage.

Best Hair Care Tips For Children’s

Best Hair Care Tips For Children’s

Caring for your child’s hair can be confusing with so many products on the market. As a parent, you may wonder which products to use and whether to go for the latest fad products marketed for kids. Experimenting will help you to arrive at the best haircare routine for your child.

So how do you as a parent, avoid, annoying the stylist, upsetting your child and getting yourself stressed? Well this is where your best child psychology skills come into play! Sometimes your child will have unwarranted fears and you have to help to overcome them. Creating trust by taking their concerns seriously is the first and most important step. Promising a treat can also help.

Best of all is to check in your local area to see if there is one of the growing number of new specialized children’s salons available. Salon chains like Cartoon Cuts are designed to make the hair cut experience more positive and entertaining for small children: toys, video games, specially shaped chairs and specially-trained stylists, all help to ensue the experience is more like going to a theme park rather than a visit to the doctor.

Causes of Hair Loss in Children

* One of the most common causes of hair loss in children includes fungal infections like scalp ringworm.
* In today’s world children of all ages are also put under a lot of stress, especially when it comes to performing in school, which could be the leading cause of hair loss, not just in children, but also in adults.
* There are also certain medical conditions and diseases like typhoid, which can lead to temporary hair loss in children and adults.
* Children who are undergoing chemotherapy as a part of cancer treatment would also experience hair fall. The same reaction may be seen in children who are on certain strong medication.
* In several cases, problems of hair loss in children could be either due to an unhealthy diet or because of the excessive use of hair products that contain harsh chemicals.
* Hair loss problems in children could also be caused by genetic factors.

Time for a Cut

If your child does not have a good hair cut, no amount of the right product will make their hair look good. Be sure to take your child to a qualified professional for a good hair cut. You might veer away from bargain hair salons offering fast cuts done on dry hair. These salons are often rushed and your child’s haircut will reflect this. Dishing out money for a better cut less often will result in a hair shape that is easier to manage and that works better with your child’s hair type. While at the salon, ask the stylist for suggestions on how to care for your child’s hair type.

Hair Care Tips


Wash hair using a mild shampoo that doesn’t sting their eyes. When they are old enough, teach them how to shampoo and rinse their own hair. Use conditioner when your child is older and has longer hair. Avoid putting conditioner on the scalp.


Detangling is best done before you wash your child’s hair. Use a wide tooth comb and start at the bottom of the hair, working your way up. Tangles can cause terrible battles between you and your child. To reduce the pain of combing tangled hair, hold taut the section of hair you are trying to comb. For problematic tangles, you can spray in a good detangler.


Encourage your child to comb/ brush their own hair. Don’t believe the myth about brushing hair 100 strokes before bedtime – this over stimulates the sebaceous glands and leaves hair very greasy. Use a comb, not a brush on hair that is wet. It promotes shine and minimizes hair breakage.


use good quality brushes, combs and accessories for your child’s hair. Kids love having fun clips and hair ties. Avoid hair clips with sharp teeth, as these can hurt the scalp and cause hair damage. Keeping hair neatly tied back is a good way of avoiding hair tangling.

As your children get older, they will begin to have preferences about the hairstyles they like. This is a natural identity issue that stays with us into adulthood. By teaching your children good hair care techniques when they are young, you will be guiding them to a lifetime of healthy hair.

Get Soft And Silky Hair With Egg

Get Soft And Silky Hair With Egg

Eggs,fast to cook, good to eat. But not only it titillates your taste buds, it really is good for your hair and skin as well. Using raw eggs you can easily have shiny and beautiful hair. The nutrients of egg create on your dry and dull hair it helps your hair to reconstruct itself.

Benefits of Egg For Hair

As mentioned already, eggs are very rich in proteins and vitamin B. So, raw eggs when applied on hair help to strengthen it and promote its growth, as hair is basically made of protein. Along with protein, the egg white contains some enzymes that can inhibit the growth of bacteria, which can help to keep the scalp healthy. On the other hand, egg yolk is rich in fats, so it helps to deeply moisturize hair strands.

The fatty acids found in egg yolk can make hair shiny and glossy, and prevent dandruff and hair loss. The egg yolk also contains many essential vitamins such as, vitamin A, D and E. These hair vitamins are very important for growing healthy hair. Vitamin A and E help to prevent dryness of hair, while vitamin D promotes hair growth. The B vitamins found in raw egg on the other hand, improve the circulation of blood.

Some Home Based Recipes

For strong and beautiful hair you can mix 2 egg yolks (depending on length of your hair) with 2 tsp. castor oil. Massage this mixture on your hair. Keep it for sometime then rinse it thoroughly.

Whip up two raw eggs. Pour this mixture on your hair by massaging. Let it dry. Shampoo your hair and then give vinegar and water rinse. Follow this procedure every month for soft and smooth hair.

Beat egg yolk thoroughly to make a frothy solution. Add 1 tsp baby oil and beat again to make a proper mixture. Add water to this mixture and apply it all over your scalp. Once dry, rinse well to get a proper conditioned treatment.

Mix egg yolk in 1/4 cup of yogurt with a little lime skin. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply it to every single strand of hair. After applying keep it for 10 minutes and then wash it off. The combination of yogurt and egg is very good for your hair.

Mix a whole egg to lemon juice. Whisk it properly. Once applied on your hair keep it for sometime. Rinse it thoroughly. This combination gives a shine to your dull hair.

Beat egg yolk to make a frothy paste. Add 1/2 tsp. olive oil and beat the mixture again. Slowly and steadily add 3/4 cup of luke warm water. After shampooing, massage this conditioner and leave it for few minutes. Rinse it later.

It is a good hair treatment for people who are in water most of the times like swimmers, surfers etc. Mix egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber to make a good mixture. Spread it evenly on your hair and keep it for 10 minutes. Rinse it thoroughly.

Mix together 1 tbsp. honey, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 tsp. almond oil and 1 tbsp. yogurt. Make a frothy paste and apply it on your hair. Rinse it in 1/2 hours time. This will smooth your hair and moisturize it evenly.


The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Lemon Is Good For Your Skin

Lemon Is Good For Your Skin

Packed with sunshine lemons are bursting with health benefits. Just the thought of them makes your mouth water and their refreshing fragrance lifts your spirits. Everyone knows the benefits vitamin C rich lemons have on the body but few know their cosmetic properties. For centuries women have used lemons to cleanse, tone and condition their skin. As a natural antioxidant they combat the signs of aging by helping to stimulate collagen production. The cosmetics industry uses lemons to produce a range of skin care preparations, but they are expensive. You can make lemon rich cosmetics at home cheaply and easily using items from your kitchen store cupboard.

Lemon oil calms and soothes our never. It helps to remove mental stress, anxiety and exhaustion. It has properly to refresh or mind removing the negative thoughts of the mind. So when in stress drink lemon juice mixed with sugar, salt and cold water. It will give you instant energy and refresh you very quick. It is healthy, testy and low cost and thus it is a popular drink all over the world. You can also mix few drops of lemon juice in the liquor of tea. It helps to recover you from extreme fatigue and tiredness very quickly.

Use lemon juice to tone the skin after cleansing. Try this recipe. Take two tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of vodka, one tablespoon of witch hazel and two tablespoons of water. Pour into a bottle and shake well, store in the fridge and use as needed. Apply to skin with a cotton wool pad and leave for three to five minutes. Rinse the face with warm water and pat dry with a towel. Do not use on damaged skin as it will sting.

After cleansing and toning use moisturizer. Make a simple and inexpensive moisturizer by blending together equal amounts of honey, lemon juice and oil. Sweet almond oil is a nice luxury but you don’t need to use it olive oil is fine. Put into a bottle and shake until all ingredients have blended together. Dab on face and neck with cotton ball, use the tips of your finger to massage into skin in small upwards circular movements. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with soft towel.

Lemon Skin Care Tips:

* Prepare Lemon and Honey juice. Intake this juice in the morning. It helps to cleaning the skin.
* Apply Lemon juice on the face to clean & shine.
* Prepare mixture of Aloe Vera & Lemon juice and apply on face for glowing the skin.
* You can try to wash your face with Lemon juice every night for skin care.
* Prepare mixture of Lemon juice and Olive oil. Apply this juice directly on acne and eczema for dry it.
* For oily skin, prepare mixture of Lemon, Egg white and Grapes. Apply this paste and wash with warm water after 25 min. your skin become shine.
* Prepare a mixture of 1 teaspoon Lemon juice and Glycerin and apply it on the spots for the removal of blackheads, freckles and wrinkles.

How To Use Lemon Juice

* Dab on an existing blemish to help dry it up.
* For a hair treatment that adds bounce and shine, after shampooing mix the juice of one lemon with one cup warm water and apply to hair. Allow to remain in hair for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. (Can also be mixed with honey for extra conditioning.)
* Brighten and lighten fingernails by soaking them in lemon juice for ten minutes.
* As a treatment for blackheads, clogged pores and blemishes, apply lemon juice to areas at night. Do not wash off until the morning.
* Rub lemon peel over elbows and knees to eliminate rough or dark spots.
* Apply full strength to discolored and darkened areas at night and leave on until the morning.
* Apply full strength or diluted with water as a facial toner to exfoliate and lighten the skin, to prevent and treat clogged pores, blackheads and blemishes.

Perfect Skin Care Tips For Brides

Perfect Skin Care Tips For Brides

Wedding represents the most important day in the life of a bride. So, it is quite natural that she wants to look her best on the day. To attain this very purpose, most of the brides opt for skin care treatments with their beauticians, apart from appointments with their hair stylist. Sure, bliss makes you smile brightly, but, often, that coveted bridal glow is more a cultivated art than a happy coincidence. Fortunately, depending on the state of your budget, time frame, age and the manageability of your skin. Glowing brides are not born that way.

Skin care for bride and bridal party is an important part of the pre-wedding process. If you want to know how to make your skin glowing for wedding day joy. Along with beauty treatments from professionals, there needs to some efforts on the bride’s part as well, to make sure that it looks soft, smooth and glowing. There are a number of skin care tips that a bride needs to keep in mind, before the wedding as well as on the D-day. Some of them have been mentioned in the lines below.

Skin Care Tips For Brides

Stay Happy:

What goes in your mind is reflected through your face. So it is very important to stay happy and relaxed. Don’t stress yourself and let the others do the running around.

Proper Cleansing:

One of the first things that you need to undertake, as a part of your bridal skin care, is a proper cleansing routine. Use a mild cleanser for your face, while having a bath in the morning, and apply a good moisturizer soon after. If, and when, you wear makeup, remove it as soon as you get back home, with the help of a proper makeup remover. Always wash your face before going to bed, at night, and follow it with the application of a good moisturizer. Last, but not the least, make use of a good exfoliating product, at least thrice a week.

Oily Skin:

If the bride is young and has oily skin, Arbonne’s Intelligence Line is perfect. Arbonne’s mineral powder foundation as well as their liquid foundations work wonderfully well together the combination ensures low breakouts and oil control.

Good Diet & Proper Sleep:

Following a proper and balanced diet forms a very important part of bridal skin care. What goes inside you has a bearing on the outward appearance as well. Drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day and include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Having a sound sleep is also essential for a glowing skin. You might also indulge in meditation and yoga.


If the bride experiences breakouts close to the day of her wedding, another great product inclusive with the Intelligence line is it’s Thermal Fusion Enzyme mask this is the product that sold me on Arbonne. This exfoliating mask is uniquely formulated with Thermal Fusion technology to increase microcirculation and cell proliferation and combines the benefits of a scrub and a masque for deep-cleansing results.

Use The Regular Brand Cosmetics:

While you might afford to explore new brand or new type of cosmetics in the normal routine, the months prior to your wedding is certainly not the time to do so. In fact, you should stick to your regular brand for cosmetics as far as possible. Ignore the latest commercial in the television about the ‘magic concealer’ that has come in the market or the ‘new lipstick’ that makes your lips look much fuller and shinier. This is because a new product might trigger allergies on your skin, especially if the latter is too sensitive, and end up leaving spots or scars. So, it is better to put off the experiments for after the

Some More Tips:

1. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
2. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water in a day.
3. Proper sleep is also important for glowing skin.
4. Make a daily proper cleansing routine.
5. Use exfoliating products atleast thrice a week.
6. Always use a proper makeup remover to remove your daily makeup.
7. Always apply sunblock before going out in Day timings.
8. Reduce caffeine consumption and contains sugar.
9. Before buying beauty products always keep your skin type in mind.
10. Daily exercise will help you to maintain your body shape.